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      Climbing works – required certificates

      Climbing works due to the specific conditions are classified as particularly dangerous. Performing tasks on objects with a height often exceeding 200 m makes the workers struggling both with inclement weather conditions at high altitudes, as well as with work that they must perform perfectly. There is no room for mistakes, therefore only experienced people with required certificates are employed to such jobs. An Experienced industrial climber can earn up to 400 zł per working day.

      To perform work at heights not only people with appropriate mental characteristics, but also with appropriate permissions are selected. According to the Regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 26 September 1997, a person working at the height is a person working on a surface which is at least 1.0 m above the floor or ground, such person must also hold a current medical examination, in order to carry out their responsibilities in accordance with the law. Such permissions entitle the workers to practice their work in a designated time period, that usually is two or three years. They include, among others: the  neurological, ENT and ophthalmology examinations.

      Necessary requirements and trainings

      Experience is another factor which is required while realizing projects at high altitude. However, it is not required by Law.  What is required is a training organized by authorized units, which must be completed by passing an exam. Almost all the preparatory trainings for working at heights, such as the Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA), include also premedical training. The works carried out at high altitudes are particularly dangerous, and possible accidents can be fatal. Therefore, already at the design stage of work it is necessary to take into account any risk, in order to predict what can go wrong and develop a detailed action plan along with safety procedures. It is also important to choose the right employees with experience and skills to perform the work of climbing safely and effectively – claims Piotr Możwiło, the owner of Prospect Company, operating in the field of industrial climbing.

      Safety first

      In the case of larger projects after the stage of valuation, negotiation and preparation for the commencement of work, a BIOZ Plan, that is a plan of health protection and safety, should be developed. In the course of the project, at every stage of  it, work must be carried out under the supervision of health and safety supervisor, and each of the operating teams should be headed by a person appointed and having adequate knowledge. Always during the project in the area of ​​industrial climbing there must be a person responsible for guarding the security on the ground and being able to help colleagues working at height. While climbing the method of two independent safety harnesses should also be applied, and the work should be conducted only on an attested equipment – adds Piotr Możwiło.

      Industrial vs. Sport climbing

      People who work at height on every day basis represent a unique group of specialists. In the course of a normal working day they are exposed to changing weather conditions at high altitudes. They use certified equipment, other than that intended for example for recreational climbing. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the equipment for climbing work has an imposed set of standards to be met (EN, BS, CE). As a result, it gives the possibility of safe work in high-risk conditions. Sports equipment is not suitable for industrial use, because they do not ensure an adequate level of security. In our line of business mistaking work for recreation may end up with a serious accident. A qualified worker, apart from being able to choose proper equipment can also secure his workplace, insulating it and placing a danger notice warning about works at height. Thus he secures not only himself but also the outsiders – assumes  Piort Możwiło from Prospect Co.



      Prospect is company implementing construction and corrosion protection with use of professional climbing equipment all over Poland. Prospect specializes in removing snow and continuous measurement of static loads on roofs, roofing repair, annual and five-year technical inspections;  anti-corrosion protection of steel and concrete, repair of steel and reinforced concrete structures, installation and dismantling of steel structures, technical expertise of chimneys, towers and GSM masts, mounting and sale of birds protection systems, as well as painting halls, factories, flyovers, silos,  warning painting of GSM towers and chimneys, and fire-proof paint. The employees of Prospect hold required by Polish law medical examination and training giving them the entitlement to work at heights, as well as a number of other certificates necessary for professional delivery of climbing services. The company has also an equipment base, allowing them to work in the toughest conditions.



      Robert Noremberg

      Tel.: +48 (22) 400 06 58

      mob. +48 609 290 618


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