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      Umowa z Lotos Terminale S.A. – naprawa podpór rurociągu

      W dniu 4 kwietnia 2022 podpisana została umowa między Lotos Terminale S.A. w Czechowicach Dziedzicach, a PROSPECT GROUP Sp. z o.o.

      Umowa swym zakresem obejmuje remont podpór rurociągu oraz rurociągu DN250 nad torami nr 38 i 39 na terenie LOTOS Terminale S.A.

      1. Szczegółowy zakres prac objętych Umową obejmuje:

        a) czyszczenie strumieniowo-ścierne konstrukcji,
        b) oczyszczenie ręczne rurociągu DN250,
        c) demontaż nieczynnej rurki grzewczej wraz z usunięciem zbędnych podwieszeń,
        d) naprawa stóp fundamentowych słupów,
        e) malowanie rurociągu oraz podpór zestawem farb epoksydowo-poliuretanowych zgodnie z ustaloną kolorystyką:
        − kolorystyka konstrukcji stalowych – barwa niebieska RAL 5017,
        − kolorystyka rurociągu – barwa biała RAL 9010.
      2. Prace prowadzone będą na czynnym technologicznie rurociągu.

      Obstruction painting of the GSM h40 tower

      Implementation of a long-term contract for painting several GSM towers throughout Poland with heights from h32 to h100

      The scope of work included:

      • Cleaning the steel structure from corrosion centers,
      • Painting the steel structure with primer paint,
      • Painting the steel structure with a surface paint (obstruction painting),

      Corrosion protection of silos

      Climbing services including anti-corrosion protection of the structure of cement silos with their full-scale renovation and marking of moving parts.

      Scope of work:

      • Cleaning of silos structures to grade Gr2,
      • Degreasing of the structure of silos,
      • Painting of the structure of silos with primer epoxy paints,
      • Painting of the structure of silos with polyurethane topcoats,
      • Applying graphic signs on the silos
      • Marking ladders and other moving parts of the structure,
      • Works were carried out while production plant was on


      • Size: approximately 300m2,
      • Paint set: epoxy – polyurethane
      • Participation of PROSPECT in the investment: 100%
      • Lead time: 14 days

      Full-scale silos renovation

      Climbing services associated with full-scale renovation of silos h=35

      Full-scale silos renovation included:

      • Removal of loose plaster of reinforced concrete structure
      • Removal of cracks in reinforced concrete,
      • Cleaning of corrosion of the reinforcement structure,
      • Painting of rebars with epoxy primers
      • Painting of rebars with polyurethane topcoats,
      • Repair of reinforced concrete structure in the PCC system,
      • Corrosion protection of support construction of silos,
      • Corrosion protection of hoppers structure
      • Removal of old trapezoidal sheet roofing
      • Corrosion protection of steel structure under the roof,
      • Installation of a new roofing with trapezoidal sheet,
      • Implementation of the new roofing with heat-weldable roofing membrane and flashings
      • Renovation of silos was completed with a faultless completion certificate and the quality of service has allowed for the continuation of cooperation in subsequent years.

      Anticorrosion protection of the silos construction and roof

      A comprehensive renovation of the construction of silos with associated equipment and replacement of guttering.

      Scope of work include:

      • Anticorrosion protection steel construction of roof surface: 2000m2 in epoxy – polyurethane system (1x base 2x surface color RAL 7035)
      • Elaboration of the technology along with drainage installation
      • Anticorrosion protection 4 pieces of diffusers in epoxy – polyurethane system (1x epoxy primer and 2 x polyurethane surface RAL 7035)
      • Renovation of outer (coat) silo construction in Technology PCC

      Technical data:

      • Realization date: 30 days
      • Participation PROSPECT in Investment: 100%
      • Realization place: Warsaw

      Painting on the heights torch h110m

      The work climbing including a comprehensive renovation of anti-corrosion protection construction h110m torches along with the renovation of a daily obstruction marking.

      Technical data:

      • Type: the object Refining
      • Dangerous: The first zone risk of explosion
      • Height: 110 m,
      • Hydro-sandblasting along with the cleaning 500 bar hight-pressure washer,
      • Painting in epoxy polyurethane paint sets,
      • Colours: RAL 3020, RAL 9010

      Reconstruction of the sluice Łabędy in Gliwice

      Implementation of the construction and finishing works including anticorrosion works during the reconstruction of the sluice Łabędy in Gliwice

      Land development

      • Renovation of an electric power transformation substation ,
      • Renovation of the technical building of the engine room GG mid-sluice,
      • Renovation of the technical building of the southern GG engine room
      • Renovation of the technical building of the northern GG engine room
      • Renovation and modernization of the main building (control room),

      Investor: State Treasury – Regional Water Management in Gliwice.

      Duration: 4 months from the date of signing of the contract,

      Investment value: about 437 799.1 pln

      Participation of PROSPECT GROUP LLC in the Investment: 100%