Darmowa wycena

      Szybki kontakt

      Reconstruction of the sluice Łabędy in Gliwice

      Implementation of the construction and finishing works including anticorrosion works during the reconstruction of the sluice Łabędy in Gliwice

      Land development

      • Renovation of an electric power transformation substation ,
      • Renovation of the technical building of the engine room GG mid-sluice,
      • Renovation of the technical building of the southern GG engine room
      • Renovation of the technical building of the northern GG engine room
      • Renovation and modernization of the main building (control room),

      Investor: State Treasury – Regional Water Management in Gliwice.

      Duration: 4 months from the date of signing of the contract,

      Investment value: about 437 799.1 pln

      Participation of PROSPECT GROUP LLC in the Investment: 100%

      13 February 2015

      Other accomplishments

      Umowa z Lotos Terminale S.A. – naprawa podpór rurociągu

      Anticorrosive mountaineering painting of the exhaust chimney

      Obstruction painting of the GSM h40 tower

      Corrosion protection of steel structures of silos

      Security R15 fire protection

      Washing elevation M1 Shopping Center

      See all accomplishment